Which Fish are the Safest to Eat
Posted April 6th, 2022
The Environmental Working Group comes through for us again with research on which foods contain the most toxins and which contain the least. This time we’ll be focusing on fish and mercury levels.
BEST TYPES (very low mercury, high protein, high omega 3): Wild Salmon, Sardines, Rainbow Trout, and Atlantic mackerel. Additionally, these are available from sustainable sources.
GOOD TYPES (low mercury, high protein, good levels of omega-3) : Anchovies, Pollock, Herring.
MODERATE GOOD TYPES (low mercury, high protein, but low Omega-3): Catfish, Tilapia, Pangasius. These are lower in toxins and a good source of protein, but don’t contain much Omega-3.
MERCURY RISK UP: Canned light and albacore tuna, Halibut, Lobster, Mahi Mahi, Sea bass. (Pregnant women and children should avoid these altogether. For others, it depends on their age, weight, and health status.)
AVOID: Shark, Swordfish, Tilefish, King Mackerel, Marlin, Orange roughy, and Tuna (bigeye, yellowfin, bluefin, etc)