The Monster Within
Posted October 16th, 2013
Sounds like the title of a horror movie doesn’t it? Taming your waistline without also taming the monster within can be frustrating if not next to impossible. On TV, Dr. Oz, and internet blogs, we hear more and more about inflammation and its devastating effect on our health and the incidence of obesity.
Truth is, there exists a scientific relationship between obesity and inflammation which dictates — the fatter one gets, the more inflammatory hormones one produces
. And, the more inflammatory hormones we produce, the fatter we get — it’s definitely a horror story! It’s also a vicious cycle that must be tamed. Andrew Weil, notable Harvard physician and author states, “Inflammation may very well be at the bottom of all degenerative diseases,” such as diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, cancer, Parkinson’s, and fibromyalgia, just to name a few. Therefore, it behooves us to take note of such a devastating problem and fix it.
At The Renewal Point, we often see patients who are suffering from multiple inflammatory conditions, such as sore muscles and joints, inflamed stomachs and digestive tracts, GERD, reflux, gastritis, as well as fibromyalgia, arthritis, headaches, and all around fatigue and feeling poorly. Generally, these patients exhibit an immune dysregulation that can be measured in the blood
. When blood tests show these immune cells to be off-balance, it’s important to rebalance them both for long term weight control as well as health and longevity.
So, how do we go about taming this evildoer? At The Renewal Point, we have a great deal of experience in monster taming. We start by running labs to discover what triggered the inflammation in the first place. It could be poor metabolism, hormone imbalance, toxins, nutritional deficiencies, stress, lack of physical activity, poor diet, or a sundry of other problems. Once detected, we design a plan to correct these underlying problems. We find that when the underlying problem is corrected, the weight melts away, the waistline narrows, and many, if not all, inflammatory problems resolve.
Here is one such success story:
“The care I have received from the Renewal Point has made such a change in my health and mental well being that I can’t really put it in words. Looking back five years ago I had such low energy that I felt like I couldn’t do anything, I was bloated, my skin looked sallow, I ate poorly, and even though I slept all night, I always woke up tired. Since I’ve been going to the Renewal Point I have so much more energy, I’ve lost weight, my mind is clearer, my rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn’s disease are much less active, I get complements on my skin, my hair is shiny and healthy again, and I sleep and wake up with energy. At age 55, I am told all the time by people that I’ve known for years, and those I’ve known for only a short time, that I look much younger than my real age.” –Barbara
We have helped many patients like Barbara obtain their weight goals, stop inflammation, balance their hormones, and live a higher quality of life. If you would like to learn more, we encourage you to call our office at 941-926-4905 or visit our website at to schedule an appointment or reserve a seat at one of our upcoming seminars.
Greenberg et al. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2006. Vol 83.
Berg et al. Circulation Research. 2005. Vol 96.