The Environment and Alzheimer's disease
Posted October 24th, 2019
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a devastating, progressive illness, which can affect anyone after the age of 60. In fact, AD is the most prevalent progressive neurodegenerative disease, responsible for 75% of all dementia cases today. Sadly, it affects women much more than men. The specific causes are unknown, but a physical build up of beta-amyloid protein (bA) in the brain is believed to eventually lead to AD.
Let’s use a case study for an example: For many years, a 64 year woman was afraid to consult a physician about her concern of cognitive loss. Having been blessed with good memory her entire life, she was beginning to lose things, forget names of friends and places and had a problem recalling what she had done only yesterday. Both her parents died from Alzheimer’s in their 70’s, and she had mistakenly believed she was fated to go the same way.
The latest research, however, indicates that environmental, nutritional, and lifestyle factors are more important than genetics. This is great news because these factors can be improved, thus decreasing her chances of ever developing Alzheimer’s.
AD is divided into two main categories: early and late onset. The early onset of AD occurs between the ages of 30 and 60 and is almost 100% due to genetics (mutations in several genes such as APP, PSEN1 and PSEN2). But only 5% of Alzheimer’s cases are early onset. This was more good news because I told her that she belongs to the second group. Therefore, we can significantly decrease her risk of developing Alzheimer’s and improve her cognition at the same time, if we run some lab tests to find out if she had any factors contributing to an increase in inflammation of her brain.
For this patient, we recommended an individualized lifestyle modification program, based on the identification of specific environmental triggers that contribute to the formation of amyloid plaques and tangles of nerve fibers.
*Hormone panel and rebalance: gonadal, thyroid, adrenal etc.
*Metabolic markers and genetics
*Identify and remove neurodegenerative triggers, ie. heavy metals, pathogens, toxic chemicals and food antigens that cross react with amyloid plaques
*Check for and correct nutritional deficiencies
*Improve physical conditioning
Based on science evidenced research by Dr. Bredesen (Reversal of COgnitive DEcline)and in line with the May 2019 WHO guidelines for “Risk reduction of cognitive decline and dementia”, this program has already helped thousands of individuals , especially those in preclinical stages of Alzheimer’s disease. And, it is currently being used at such prestigious centers of excellence as The Cleveland Clinic.
At The Renewal Point, we have successfully followed this program for over five years now and I have personally seen remarkably changes in our patients with early and moderate cognitive decline.