Hormone Imbalances: Lightning Bolt or Thief in the Night?
Posted August 31st, 2016
Hormone imbalances eventually come to all of us—men and women alike. These imbalances may burst through our front door like a lightning bolt of a summer storm or steal through the back like a thief in the night.
But a fact of life is, they come, and with their arrival come a group of not so welcome guests called Neuropsychiatric disorders. In fact, neuropsychiatric symptoms are the most prevalent complaints I hear from patients coming to my office for hormone balancing, nearing one hundred percent in some degree or other.
Neuropsychiatric conditions related to hormone imbalances:
- Sleep disorders
- Mood swings
- Memory decline
- Lack of self-confidence
- Irritability
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Panic disorder
Although complaints such as these may not evoke the chilling alarm of more life threatening conditions such as cancer or heart disease, their effect on our bodies can be very far reaching. Primarily, they affect our quality of life (QOL) and secondly they can lead to other more serious medical problems such as heart disease, Alzheimer’s, Diabetes, etc. In fact, doctors report neuropsychiatric problems are risk factors contributing to over 70% of all diseases!
While the ‘root cause’ of neuropsychiatric disease is dependent on several factors, growing evidence now documents the profound effects hormone imbalances have as a main risk factor. Consider that as our life expectancy increases to 90 years, neuropsychiatric disorders will exponentially rise to become our nation’s #1 medical condition. Just memory disorders alone will reach a whopping 130 million, enough to break our Medicare bank!
According to a recent study from Harvard School of Medicine, women with hormone imbalances are twice as likely to experience significant depression as women with normal balance. Add a 40-50% increase in sleep disorders, a 50% increase in cognitive decline, and an overall exacerbation of OCD, Bipolar disorder, Schizophrenia and Panic disorder, and we begin to understand the overall breadth hormone imbalances have on neuropsychiatric conditions.
The good news is, at The Renewal Point we can help. Daily, our patients report a marked improvement in neuropsychiatric complaints from our Natural Hormone Balancing Program. At The Renewal Point, we expect the same overall improvement of QOL symptoms and disease prevention that has been reported in evidence-based scientific research conducted around the U.S. by several of the top universities such as, Princeton, Harvard, University of Miami, etc.
Let’s take a look at some cases:
Jackie recently came to my office with a myriad of symptoms: headache, breast tenderness, a ten-pound weight gain, bloating, swelling, and food cravings. She was 37 with two children (ages 8 & 10); she ate well, exercised, took vitamins, and had no alcohol or drug abuse. Her lifestyle choices were well enough, however she felt terrible and was experiencing anxiety, panic, depression, irritability, increased guilt, and low self-esteem. Lab tests proved a glaring hormonal imbalance called Estrogen Dominance. Fortunately, with a program of Natural Hormone Balancing, adrenal support, and counseling, she recovered.
Consider, also, Shelly: Shelly is a 55-yearold mother of two, grandmother of one, and recently widowed. She exercised three times a week and took multivitamins, however she was experiencing sleep difficulties, irritability, night sweats, carb cravings, hot flashes, decreased mental focus, and fatigue.Her lab tests revealed thyroid and ovarian hormonal imbalances. Three months following treatment with a natural thyroid and bio-identical hormones, Shelly says, “I feel like a new woman. I sleep eight hours a night, wake up feeling refreshed and full of energy. Hot flashes and night sweats gone!”
At The Renewal Point, we understand how neuropsychiatric conditions, and their related problems, can stand in the way of living the life you want and we are here to help! We can do testing to determine if the condition is related to hormonal and/or neuroadrenal imbalances, and then correct those imbalances. And, we are always happy to partner with a patient’s mental health professional. To find out more or schedule an appointment, call 941-926-4905, email (info@ therenewalpoint.com), visit us at www. therenewalpoint.com, or come to one of our upcoming seminars.
(as published in West Coast Woman, September 2016)