Medical Aesthetic and Skin Care Products
Posted June 2nd, 2008
You may remember Junior High Science class. They taught us that “your skin is the largest organ in your body”. And we thought “wow” … and perhaps never gave it another thought. But if your skin really is your largest organ, might it also be your most important?
Your Skin REFLECTS Your Health
The health of your skin can – and does – impact the health of virtually every other organ and function in our body. Not to mention how critical the health of our skin is to the way we look and feel.
Do you have a Plan for taking care of your skin?
At The Renewal Point, we believe taking care of your skin requires a comprehensive plan – not just another “facial” done with exotic fruit extract or the latest jar of crème packed with mysterious ingredients.
Soft, brilliant skin requires attention to what you eat, the quantity and source of the water you drink, the supplements you take, your daily care routine and many other facets that are so often overlooked by typical “spas” and salons.
The Renewal Point provides expert guidance by physician-trained and directed aestheticians that hold their own credentials and training as skin care technicians.
And our most important credential? Commitment to your overall health and beauty!